The Burning Monk
September 3rd, 2013Read it here: The Burning Monk
My Stephen King Problem: A Snob’s Notes?
July 18th, 2012Here is an essay I wrote about the fiction of Stephen King and the literary establishment’s championing of it. The essay first appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books and later in Salon.
How to Levitate (an essay about David Foster Wallace’s THE PALE KING)
June 4th, 2012Here is the link to an essay I wrote for Bob Wake’s Cambridge Book Review about David Foster Wallace’s posthumously published last novel.
The Green Suit
November 11th, 2011In October of 2011, the University of Wisconsin Press brought out a new edition of THE GREEN SUIT. The book, which was first published in

The Green Suit
2000, is a collection of twelve stories about a Kentucky family called the Sackriders. (The new edition includes a new story.) In October of 2000, a reviewer for The New Yorker described the book this way:
These interconnnected stories chart the course of Peter Sackrider, a moderately handsome, fairly talented, somewhat wealthy Kentuckian who moves North to become a writer. He makes a career of sorts publishing in quarterlies and writing for Sunday newspaper supplements; we watch him evolve from a passive teen-ager during the Vietnam years to a restless middle-aged man who leaves his wife and child in search of something he can’t quite put his finger on–a home for the imagination, perhaps. Allen writes about Peter’s apparently ordinary life with such pleasing, perceptive assurance that it becomes revelatory.
In the concluding paragraph of his Chicago Tribune review (Oct. 1, 2000) of THE GREEN SUIT, David L. Ulin says that the book is
a portrait of Peter as a work in progress, for whom even memory is often just another form of self-deceit. On the one hand, this is challenging, for it leaves THE GREEN SUIT with no clear sense of resolution, no redemption, as it were. At the same time, that’s the strength of Allen’s vision, his refusal to compromise, to undermine his character’s essential incompletion by bending him to fit a nice, neat package in the end. Peter, it is true, may be unfinished, racked by loss and guilt and the sense that, as a middle-aged father, he is no closer to his potential than he ever was. But in truth the same might be said of all of us, which is why THE GREEN SUIT speaks so closely to our lives.
In his Los Angeles Times review of THE GREEN SUIT, Mark Rozzo wrote,
There’s a gentle brio to Allen’s writing that captures the bemusement of his self-deprecating hero’s encounter with the Me Decade and its aftermath. As a fledgling journalist, Peter gives this blunt assessment of his work: ‘The sentences I’d written sat there like fat geese waiting to be shot.’ Unlike his alter ego, Allen, in this low-key wonder of a book, creates sentences that take flight.
In a review in the New York Times Book Review, Alice Elliott Dark said,
Readers will pick their own favorites among these stories, although the less obviously arresting may gain in appeal over time. There are layers of subtle meaning and plotting here; the work not only stands up to rereading but rewards the effort.
EXCERPT (from “End of His Tether,” the new and final story)
Sackrider poured himself a glass of red wine, took a sip, and coughed. He coughed until he had no energy to expel whatever it was that was rooted in his chest. He went back to the couch and covered himself with blankets up to the chin. He was going to die soon, perhaps before the night was out. He had better get to work on writing those letters of apology now.
It was three in the morning and he was awake, breathing. A cough syrup he’d found under the bathroom sink hadn’t relieved his distress. He took off his pajamas–damp from the sweating he’d done under the covers–and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. His balls hung low, like an old man’s. He thought of the balls (two? three?) that hung outside pawnshops. If parts of the human body could be pawned, what part of himself would he pawn? What part of him would fetch a little mad money? He didn’t pursue this thought. He put on his robe and ski socks and went downstairs.
He’d decided that the first person he’d write would be a graduate school girlfriend. It was probably true that the hurt he’d caused Nora Sue (a.k.a. Renata) was minor compared to, say, the hurt he’d caused Jo or his first wife or his child from his first marriage or perhaps even Molly, but maybe writing to Nora Sue would give him the courage to write those he had more grievously offended.
“Dear Nora Sue,” he typed. “I wanted to say now, before I came down with dementia or jumped into the Milwaukee River or died from whatever virus has hold of me at the moment, I wanted to say, thirty years after we lay naked on that mattress in the little apartment above the porn shop in Ann Arbor, a time that included the nights after the night I slept, in a kind of experimental way, with Martin, the postdoc who was studying bioluminescence in mushrooms, I wanted to say that I’m sorry. I wanted to say that I apologize for my manifold weaknesses, to use a phrase that I recall you using to describe me, and the failures of courage that issued as a result.”
He tired before he finished the letter. He put it in a drafts file and went back upstairs. He took off his robe and lay on the bed in only his ski socks and wondered if he should write Martin, too.
Where to Begin?
November 3rd, 2011Last month, at the Wisconsin Book Festival, I did a reading with Larry Watson, the author, of among other novels, a short, riveting, beautifully made one called MONTANA 1948. After we read from our work–Larry read from his new novel, AMERICAN BOY, which, like MONTANA 1948, is quiet and low-key in style but powerful in its depiction of human frailty–we answered questions, one of which was this: How do you begin your stories or novels? Do you have an outline or map? If not, how do you know where you’re going?
Larry and I both said that we didn’t necessarily know where a particular story or novel is headed when we begin it. I said that I often start with little more than a general notion about a character, and then follow the character to wherever he or she seems to lead me. You discover who or what you’re writing about as you write–at least, that’s the hope. Of course, this “method” will sometimes take you into thickets of trouble, with no apparent trail out of them, but the chances are that you will have discovered something useful in the process of getting lost and may have even written some salvageable passages.
Larry said that there was “something intuitive” in the way he went about beginning a novel, and he went on to note that a non-linear approach allowed him to digress, to take side-trips into the wilderness–excursions that may or may not end up in the final version of the novel but which nonetheless serve to help the writer understand more deeply the nature of his characters. Later, in an email, he said this to me: “It strikes me now–things always strike me after the fact–that the map metaphor might be the wrong one for writing fiction. Or at least the wrong one for some writers. What if we used a painting metaphor–a blank canvas as opposed to a paint-by-numbers canvas?”
The next night, I came back to the same venue (the Museum of Contemporary Art, in Madison) to hear three other fiction writers read: Diana Abu-Jaber, Mary Gordon, and Jacquelyn Mitchard. (Mary Gordon had been scheduled to read with Larry Watson and me, but the plane that was to bring her from New York had the sort of mechanical “issues” at the departure gate–a smoking engine part, to name one–that can scare reasonable people into finding alternative transportation, so she delayed her arrival.) The three writers were asked the same question: How do you begin?
All three women said pretty much the opposite of what Larry and I had said, and seemed to suggest in their answers that it was kind of nutty not to begin with some sort of map. Diana Abu-Jaber, a friend and the author of such wonderful novels as ARABIAN JAZZ and CRESCENT and most recently BIRDS OF PARADISE, said that she begins her novels with a fairly detailed outline at hand, though she added that she felt free, once she was some way into a book, to lay the outline aside and let her novel go wherever it seemed to be going. An outline is useful, in other words, until it isn’t. One sometimes has the sense reading Diana’s books, so full are they with foods deliciously described, that she is often happily led astray from her outline by the scent of something on the stove, either something in her own kitchen or something down the block. Her readers are only too willing to follow her. There are all kinds of ways to write novels and all kinds of ways to satisfy hunger.
Mary Gordon, whose first book, FINAL PAYMENTS, remains, thirty-three years after it came out, one of the finest novels by a writer of my generation, also said that she needed to know where she was going before she started. She didn’t say much about why she feels this way, but her fiction is to some degree about opposing ideas, and much of the power and beauty of her fiction comes from the way she dramatically pits those ideas against each other, from the way, that is, she constructs an argument. (In an interesting aside, she said that the digressive portions of a novel that one ends up cutting out are absolutely vital to the book, that a writer has to write them and then give them up before the book can be any good.)
Of the three women, the most adamant believer in starting with a map was Jacquelyn Mitchard, the author of several very successful novels, including THE DEEP END OF THE OCEAN. Mitchard said that “if I’m going to Minneapolis, I want to get on a train that’s going to take me there,” not somewhere else. (It might be noted here that long-distance American trains, the kind on which you might have time enough to read a novel, don’t always make it to where they’re supposedly going, and passengers are sometimes required to disembark from these underfunded broken-down trains and stand around in some lonesome place before a bus picks them up and carries them by some possibly obscure route to the big city.) She then ranted about writers who “channel” their fiction–read: “writers who take an approach different from my own.” She said, “I don’t get that channel on my cable.”
It may have merely been a coincidence that the two male writers took an “intuitive” approach while the three female writers seemed to be more of the rationalist school. Or it may be that there is actually some sort of gender-stereotype reversal going on. It is a fact, supported by much anecdotal evidence, that while male drivers (to stick with the transportation metaphor) won’t ask for a map when lost, female ones will.
Is the intuitive approach just another sign of male arrogance and laziness? Or does it indicate some faith in the creative subconscious, some recognition that it’s more productive in the end if you don’t try to control everything that passes through your mind (and censor what seems to be not “pertinent” to the so-called task at hand)?
But then there is the example of an imperiously intellectual male writer such as Vladimir Nabokov, whose novels and stories were often constructed like chess problems (”meant for the delectation of the very expert solver”), with every move thought out far in advance. Every word he wrote was, he claimed, an entirely deliberate and artistic choice, art being in his view something quite separate from life, an improvement on life, in fact. The brilliant maps he began with were in his formidable head.
But Nabokov–who, incidentally, did not do his own driving or typing; his wife, Vera, did these things for him– is, as he would’ve pointed out, something of an exception. The Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami is a good example of the modern male intuitionist. In a recent New York Times Magazine article about him, Murakami said that he begins a story or novel with nothing more than an image or a title “and then just sits at his desk, morning after morning, improvising until it’s done.”
John Irving once said that he doesn’t discover where to begin until he finishes a draft of the novel and knows how the book will end. He finds a map in the course of writing rather than beginning with one.
And here is what a female writer, Flannery O’Connor, whom Mary Gordon (in an essay of thirty years ago, which can be found in her collection GOOD BOYS AND DEAD GIRLS) has described as “a superb and practical critic,” says on the same subject, in a 1957 letter to a fellow Southern writer named Cecil Dawkins: “I have heard that Katharine Anne Porter writes her stories in her head before she puts them down but I always tend to think such reports are exaggerated, perhaps because they don’t fit with what I find I can do. I always have an idea of what I want to do when I write a story, but whether I’ll be able to remains always to be seen. I am writing a story now and have proceeded at a regular rate of two pages a day, following my nose more or less. They have to work out some way or other, and I think you discover a good deal more in the process when you don’t have too definite ideas about what you want to do.”
Though some writing teachers and novelists with pulpits may suggest otherwise, it seems clear that there is no right way to begin a story or a novel. All that matters in the end is the finished thing–and whether the finished thing has, as William Maxwell put it, “the breath of life” in it. Flannery O’Connor’s description of how she goes about it–with an idea but “following my nose more or less”–seems like perfectly sound advice (while not being a recipe).
October 4th, 2011In WHITE PEOPLE, his 1990 collection of stories, Allan Gurganus, whose generous nature can be found everywhere in his beautiful and funny writing, says on the Acknowledgments page at the back of his book, “Thanking people is my favorite vice.” He then names fifteen people whose readings of the book when it was a work-in-progress benefited him. He thanks, too, without naming them, his “former students, and so many other fellow believers.”
By the standards of today, a mere twenty years later, Gurganus’s Acknowledgments page seems rather brief, if not terse. (By “Acknowledgments,” I don’t mean the pro-forma copyright page Acknowledgments in which the author lists, for instance, the magazines where the book’s stories or some pieces of the novel have previously been published; I’m referring only to the non-pro-forma thanks a writer extends to friends, institutions, editors, etc.) I’ve seen Acknowledgments pages in the novels and story collections of contemporary writers that are longer than the mock-epic list of partygoers in THE GREAT GATSBY. Fitzgerald didn’t write Acknowledgments pages. Neither did Faulkner or Hemingway or hardly any other writer of that generation or of the succeeding generation, the one that included Bellow and Updike and Flannery O’Connor and Grace Paley and John Cheever. The Acknowledgments page seems not to have blossomed until the last decade of the twentieth century.
In general, the Acknowledgments written by authors of literary fiction fall into two categories–quite short and not so short. The writers of the quite short Acknowledgments page (or fraction of a page) tend to be the more illustrious among us. They might thank a famous foundation and a famous literary colony and perhaps a couple of illustrious friends or an esteemed book editor and an agent, and be done with it. Sometimes the truly minimalist Acknowledgments will be buried in the fine print of the copyright page, there to be found only by readers who read copyright pages partly for the purpose of seeing if the author has permitted his birth year to be included in the Library of Congress information. (It is rare to find this piece of information, by the way. It is a fact that the great majority of contemporary writers are hardly out of their twenties, even though many have managed to publish six or seven or nineteen books.) And sometimes, of course, the celebrated writer follows in the tradition of Fitzgerald and Bellow and writes no Acknowledgments at all.
I don’t mean to suggest that vanity or self-importance is the motive, or only motive, behind the quite short Acknowledgments. All books of fiction are, after all, written by solitary individuals, who only incidentally receive editorial or financial or moral help from editors and foundations and friends. And the fact that the more celebrated (and commercially successful) writers of literary fiction tend to feel, if their Acknowledgments pages are any evidence, no need to publicly thank any more than a handful of supporters–not usually including Mom or Dad, or a spouse or a coffeehouse pal, or an old school friend who wrote the adulatory email out of the blue, or a high school English teacher who lit a fire under the writer’s sorry ass, or a person who told the writer a pretty good anecdote that got transmuted into fictional gold, or even a shrink–doesn’t necessarily mean that the writer is graceless or not thankful.
Now might be the moment to tell a joke. Q.: Why don’t Southern women like group sex? A.: Too many thank-you notes to write.
One assumption in this joke is that Southern men don’t–or didn’t, back in the day, when people did such things–write thank-you notes. Allan Gurganus, a North Carolinian, suggests that this is inaccurate, and I think he’s right: thank-yous cross gender lines, at least south of the Ohio River. I was raised in the mid-South, and I had to write my Christmas thank-you notes before I could go outdoors and shoot baskets.
But what is it that makes some writers, Southerners and otherwise, want, or feel obliged, to thank so many people?
Though there are exceptions, it seems generally true that the not so short Acknowledgments pages are written by writers making their debuts (writers full of hope, that is, and also, in most cases, full of gratitude at being in print) as well as by so-called seasoned writers whose second or third books are unlikely to make much of a splash. (Writers who don’t make some sort of splash after three books–or is it only two now?–stand little chance of finding a publisher for that fourth one.) This may be saying no more than that we writers who labor at the margins may over-compensate for our tenuous positions in the literary world by filling a page or two of paper with the names of people who have been nice to us.
It may also be true that we writers of the not so short Acknowledgments pages want readers to understand that we are not actually terrible people, even if we are often selfish, glum, standoffish, a little vulture-like when it comes to incorporating the actual world into our fiction, and even if we are also not above some brown-nosing with regard to that magazine editor whom we thank for going out on a limb for our early work.
It may be true, too, that the effusive Acknowledgments page is a way for some of us to promote our humility. Or our good manners.
On the other hand, one should allow for the possibility that there may be no ulterior motive in the not so short Acknowledgments page. It may actually be what it seems to be: a big wet sloppy innocent thanks.
And it may be true as well that since we know that what we have written is, really, only (and not just geologically speaking) ephemera, since we know that it won’t last more than a few years (if that long, in paper form) and that it surely won’t survive us (except as some data in the Googlesphere), we feel an urgency, a necessity, to give thanks to all those who have, in whatever minor way, helped us to make the little disappearing thing called a book.
(A pause here to consider contemporary poets’ Acknowledgments: a cursory inspection of some books of contemporary poetry on my shelves suggests that poets, whose chances of commercial success are close to nil, whose work is highly unlikely to receive any attention from the mainstream reviewing press, tend to be spare when it comes to spreading gratitude around. Of course, it’s also true that poets are, compared with fiction writers, people of few words. One tries to imagine Walt Whitman publishing his poems in 2011. Would his expansiveness have spilled over onto the Acknowledgments page, or would he have decided to save a few trees?)
In the Acknowledgments page to the new edition of my first book, THE GREEN SUIT, I say, not quite facetiously, that, were the University of Wisconsin Press not under budgetary constraints imposed by the right-wing government of the state I live in, I would name every friend or acquaintance who had ever said a kind or encouraging word to me about my writing. I say this even though the book is a reprint (with one new story) and even though I have had two other occasions, in the Algonquin (2000) and Plume (2001) editions, to thank those people who gave me moral or editorial or strategic or financial help during the writing of the book.
Thanking people is a favorite vice of mine, too–not to say a neurosis. And I have every reason to thank those who, over the last three or four years, when my first two books went out of print and when my third did worse in the marketplace than the first two did and when rejections from magazines and grant-givers have arrived at an alarming rate, encouraged me, in one way or another, to go on. The existence of these people, their faith in me, seemed at least one reason for going on. Among them are writing friends, family, childhood friends, college and graduate school friends, teachers from long ago with whom I’ve kept in touch, a few newspaper scribes, a handful of magazine editors, tennis pals, people who work for the University of Wisconsin Press, and some people who have done no more than ask in passing how my writing is going. It gives me pleasure to write their names, and to hope that in their own working lives–in the work itself, that is–they have had or will have as much joy as I have had in doing my work. Some of the people I thank on the Acknowledgments page of the new edition of THE GREEN SUIT I thank again here:
Richard Sacks, Judy Goldman, Allyn Roberts, Betsy Amster, Agate Nesaule, Dale Kushner, Lisa Ruffolo, Ann Shaffer, Lisa Hunter, Jean Feraca, Sarah Gorham, Jeff Skinner, Allen Bush, Rose Cooper Bush, Robert Davenport, Robin Muir, Katy Christopherson, Walter & Catherine Christopherson, Hal Burgiss, Catherine Davidson, Farrell & Karen Smith, Mike Pearce, Maya Page, Mark Dintenfass, the late Bert Goldgar, David McGlynn, Merritt Ringer, Jan Daniels Quinlan, Dana Sachs, Adolf Gundersen, Andy Waclawik, Bozena Waclawik, Andy Mayhall, Sandy & Jim Christensen, Alan Attie, Scott Brandt, Ron Johnson, Jim & Kathryn Leide, Brian Seliger & Jennifer Spence, Roger Goodwin, John & Kathy Wendt, Ron Shaw, Cary Lahr, Gil Jevne, Ben Birkett, Patrick Irwin, Rob Spence, John Hess, Dave Winter, Tom Bround, Peter Pearce, Philip Clark, David Dameron, Alex Gaynor, my wife Michele Gassman, my children George and Nora Allen, my sister Angela Allen, my mother Betty Anne Allen, my nephew Charlie Stanford, my mother-in-law Barbara Gassman, my sister-and-brother-in-law Jolene & Stefan Thoenes, my niece Kira Thoenes, my brother-and-sister-in-law Steve & Suzanne Gassman, my brother-and-sister-in-law Rich & Tina Gassman, my father-in-law Rick Gassman, Willow Harth, Margaret George, Michelle Huneven, Steven Carter, Paul Mandelbaum, Paul Griner, Diana Abu-Jaber, Tom Boyle, Jamie Baldwin, Hunt Helm, Tyler Fairleigh, Connie Brothers, Carolyn Courtney, Julie Ardery, Alex Brown, Becky Shaw, Jesse Lee Kercheval, Ron Kuka, Judith Mitchell, Judy Cooper, Scott Johnson (my dentist, who before looking at my teeth–I still have the original set–always asks me about my writing), Bob Carmany, Linda Endlich, David Thigpen, Jim Jaffe, Char Luchterbrand, Randy Brown, Lyle Schaefer, George Hesselberg, Doug Moe, Dave Daley, Carolyn Kuebler, the late Jeanne Leiby, Michael Koch, Evelyn Somers Rogers, Stephen Corey, Squire Babcock, Geeta Sharma Jensen, Ann Imig, Bernadette Murphy, Dean Bakopoulos, Keith Runyon, Bob Curry, John Galligan, Micaela Sullivan Fowler & Pete Fowler, Jessica Doyle, Michael Schuler, Mark & Lisa Danielson, Sam Atlee, Roberta Gamble, Alison Jones Chaim, Mark Singer, David Green, Liz Macklin, Mary Norris, Peter Canby, Jon Moyer, Elisabeth Scharlatt, Maggie Kingsbury, Nora Robertson, Doug Pearson, Richard Young, Ling Ling Ho, Tom Parrett, Mike Kelsay, Rex Henderson, Marion Beam, Richard Hopkins, Michael Chaim, Sheila Leary, Adam Mehring, Chris Caldwell, Raphael Kadushin, Andrea Christofferson, Fred Lauing, Carla Marolt, Kirt Murray, Bill Christofferson, Patty Lucas, Whitney & Nancy O’Bannon, Anne & Phil Ardery, Sam Miller, Tom Matthews, Nate Olson, Bruce Noble, Peggy Turbin (my daughter’s pre-school teacher), Hal Steinkopf, Char Boland, Heather Lee Schroeder, Jason Smith, Rosemary Zurlo-Cuva, Michael Pietsch, Bob Wake, Eric Freydenlund, C.J. Hribal, Bill Pike, Betsy Wilmerding, Henry Bromell, Melissa Bernstrom, Ann Michalski, Tom Creeron, Michael Thom, Tim & Kimberly Mueller, Bill Coan, Maureen Ellsworth.
A Few Things I Did and Didn’t Do at Iowa
June 24th, 2011I wrote the piece below for an anthology of essays by University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop alumni about their experiences at the school. The anthology, called WORD BY WORD, was published this summer by the University of Iowa in connection with the Workshop’s seventy-fifth anniversary. The piece here is somewhat longer than what appears in the anthology.
I wrote one story during my two years at the Workshop. My so-called master’s thesis consisted of that story and a couple of pieces of fiction recycled from my undergraduate days. I don’t blame the Workshop for my failure to be productive. I received nothing but encouragement from teachers and staff. My first year, I was given a plum job at The Iowa Review. (I had little to do as the assistant to T. Coraghessan Boyle, who was the assistant to the fiction editor, Robert Coover. What I remember best about the office is the smell of chlorine that came in the door with Tom, who burned off some of his prodigious energy by swimming.) My second year, I was invited to teach undergraduates (fiction writing, of all things). But these forms of encouragement seemed to only deepen my self-consciousness. I had thoroughgoing case of it; it was oppressive, like some sort of chronic illness. I spent my so-called writing time at my off-campus desk studying the clean sheet of premium bond I’d rolled into my Smith-Corona. Sometimes on that clean sheet I’d retype an opening sentence I’d already typed seven or eight or thirteen times; more often I typed nothing at all. But I was allowed to graduate–after all, I did get A’s in Intensive Italian Grammar and a comp lit course called Dante & Romance Poetry.
Sometimes, during my second year at Iowa, when I was sitting at my off-campus desk that shook almost inspirationally whenever a freight train rolled down the tracks twenty yards to the south, I would think of the fellow Workshop student who had killed himself in the parking lot of the Coralville Fire Department, a student who had written a long story that reminded some of us of Salinger, a student who was a close friend of a college friend of mine (who at parties–or, to be more accurate, gatherings of the stoned–liked to take his pistol out of his saxophone case and moon over it until somebody told him to put it away), a student known to my college friend as Whaleman. Despite my troubles, despite being a washout as a writer, I didn’t think too long about doing what Whaleman had done. I had a girlfriend, I was reading Dante and Proust and Welty, I enjoyed my first morning cigarette and some of those that followed.
I didn’t tell the whole truth when I said that, despite my failure to write anything, I’d received “nothing but” encouragement from my teachers at the Workshop. The exception was a teacher whose fiction I greatly admired and whose approval I sought and to whom I showed the story referred to above and who, on the basis of that story, found little reason to encourage me. He said that my writing was “cute,” the equivalent of Mitzi Gaynor twinkling her pretty nose. (I happened to know who Mitzi Gaynor was; still, she was, even back in 1976, kind of an obscure point of reference, at least for a writing professor.) At the end of his note to me, this teacher wrote, “Do you really want to be a writer?” My sense was that he believed I stood little chance.
Some years later, it occurred to me that the best teachers at Iowa were not those with agendas, not those with outsize classroom egos, not those whose talent for eviscerating the weak often went hand-in-hand (to paraphrase Nabokov) with a fancy prose style. But it may also be true that the teacher who ripped my writing (which had obvious weaknesses, including a tropism for cuteness) lit a kind of fire in me, one of those smoldering dump fires that burn for years. Clearly, it wasn’t the sort of fire that drove me to go back to my desk in my apartment by the railroad tracks and write pages and pages of whatever. I didn’t have any confidence. I was so stuck that I couldn’t even figure out how to get self-pity on the page.
But I did go back to my desk, repeatedly. In fact, one night I skipped a reading by Raymond Carver (whose first book, Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?, had just come out) in order to sit at my desk and write nothing. I loved those early Carver stories, and I had a hunch even then that not going to hear him was a mistake, if a well-intentioned one. I made a number of mistakes while at Iowa. I got really drunk at what I believe was the first annual Writers’ Workshop Prom (held at a grange post, out in the countryside) and I shouted an obscenity at Vance Bourjaily, a teacher and writer I liked and respected, who (if memory serves) was playing clarinet in the Prom band. I attempted to drive home from this event, but was finally persuaded by my three passengers, two of whom would later write scripts for The Sopranos, to get the fuck out of the driver’s seat. I didn’t attend Whaleman’s funeral or write anybody in his family to say that I thought his Salinger-esque story was very good. I went to a Halloween party (I have some recollection that it was given by Jane Smiley, who had somehow turned herself into a philodendron, but I may be making this up) dressed, if that’s the right term, as a flasher–that is, as an exhibitionist (the same person who was afraid to speak in Workshop classes for fear of exposing his ignorance or general lack of intellectual heft). I wore a raincoat and a hat and sneakers and. . . basketball shorts. I was a fake flasher, an exhibitionist without portfolio, a joke without a punch line.
It was my feeling that a high percentage of the students at the Workshop in the mid-seventies–even some of those who wrote prolifically and with self-assurance–were miserable a lot of the time. This, despite the fact that we were reading good books and having sex with each other and hunting for morels on Vance Bourjaily’s farm and raising pigs. (My classmate, Michelle Huneven, kept pigs on her potter boyfriend’s place in Ely. One night, I was served a part of one named Joey. This didn’t put me off pork, though it did, I admit, focus my attention on what I was eating–a pig whose nose I had petted not long before. What almost did put me off pork–and I realize I am digressing here–were the stories I heard from another Iowa friend, one of those two people who would end up writing scripts for The Sopranos, about his work in a Cedar Rapids meatpacking plant.) Most of us were in our mid-twenties, and we were vain, thin-skinned, competitive, ignorant about life, prone to miseries fantastical and simple. All of us were trying to figure out how to be adults and writers at the same time, not an easy combination to pull off. The fact that the Workshop gave us space (and money and time) to begin to learn how to do that is to its credit.
–Dwight Allen
The Wisconsin Labor Protests
March 23rd, 2011In 1972, I joined a union. Or, rather, I got a job at a lumber mill in Louisville, Kentucky, that entailed my joining a union. I can’t remember if somebody at the mill suggested that I join the union or if I was automatically enrolled. It must have been the former, but I was a twenty-one-year old college dropout and I wasn’t paying close attention to such things.
I had the lowliest job at the plant–catching boards of varying lengths that came off a planer and stacking them in carts–and I got paid accordingly. The union took a few dollars out of my paycheck, which might have come to a hundred and fifty dollars a week, before taxes. (This was back in the day when a pack of cigarettes cost thirty or forty cents and a case of bad beer cost three or four dollars–at least such things did in Kentucky, where vices were virtually free, or tax-free, anyway.) I didn’t feel strongly one way or the other about the union. (This was also back in the day when union workers tended to be Nixon voters. I was a long-haired hippie, not on the face of it union material.) I was a short-termer, and I didn’t really need the job, even though my father had told me that if I was going to live at home, I had to have some sort of job. But just about everybody else working in the lumber mill did need their jobs, and their union no doubt made their days and nights somewhat better than they might have been without a union.
When I left the mill, I was told by my boss, a portly guy named Orville who drove around the grounds in a golf cart, that I was a good worker and that I could have a job there anytime, if I should ever decide to return. I liked Orville, and I admired the resilience and good humor of the people I worked with, but I couldn’t imagine having to do mill work for long. It was backbreaking and dangerous and also boring. And the pay, even at several grades above where I’d been, was, almost needless to say, quite modest.
I went back to college and then to graduate school, where I got a master’s degree.
In the late seventies, I got a job at a New York publishing house as an editorial assistant. The pay was less than what I’d received at the lumber mill. (My starting annual salary at Scribner’s was $5,500, or around a hundred dollars a week, and there were no benefits. I did get a raise not too long after starting.) But I was a fresh-out-of-graduate-school English/creative writing major, and I was supposed to be happy to be employed at all, not to mention in a building where Fitzgerald and Hemingway and Wharton and Wolfe had lingered.
In January of 1981, right around the time Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president, I started a job at The New Yorker as a fact checker. Not long before I arrived, the editorial employees had made an effort to unionize. This had failed. Management–in effect, William Shawn, the editor-in-chief at the time, and his lawyer; the owners of the magazine steered clear of editorial (and editorial employment) issues–refused to deal with a union. Shawn and his lawyer did agree, however, to have periodic chats with a “committee” of editorial employees about salaries and related matters. Most people on the staff served on this committee at one time or another. We would go to great lengths to show Shawn and his consigliere just how expensive it was to live in New York and how a minimal raise in wages would not cover increases in the cost of living. Sometimes we would note that the wages of editorial employees with similar job descriptions at other magazines were higher than our own, but this tactic caused Shawn’s face to redden in a way that may have scared some of us into not pursuing the subject in depth. The New Yorker was sui generis, supposedly, and if our pockets weren’t exactly full of money, we did at least smell of cachet.
Shawn and the lawyer listened dutifully, and then they gave us the very modest raises they probably would have given us had they not listened to us. Which is not to say that salaries for fact checkers and copy editors and proofreaders and messengers were anywhere near as dismal as those for editorial assistants at old-line, blue-blood New York publishing houses. The editorial employees of The New Yorker–which around that time was billing itself as “The World’s Greatest Magazine”–were paid wages that low-self-esteem English/creative writing majors like myself considered at least not terrible. (When I started, in 1981, my salary was around $17,000, and five and a half years later, when I left the fact checking department for another job at the magazine, I was making $30,000.) And it should be pointed out that The New Yorker did provide medical benefits to its employees; there was even a separate psychiatric benefit, which many people took advantage of.
Over the past twenty or so years, I’ve earned about $80,000 as a writer and occasional editor. (If you’re doing the math, this means I’ve earned $4,000 a year. Needless to say, it hasn’t supported me or my family.) A fifth of this income came from two grants from the state of Wisconsin–from an agency that the governor of Wisconsin, a college dropout, has recently proposed eliminating–and the rest from book advances, royalties, fiction sold to literary magazines, assorted journalism, fees for judging writing contests, and free-lance editing jobs. For some of this work–book reviews for a Gannett-owned newspaper, for instance–I was paid the equivalent of about a dollar-fifty per hour. For my first book, I received $20,000 (minus my agent’s portion), which seemed like an enormous sum, though of course it had taken me six or seven years to write the stories in the book.
Writers are supposed to be above caring about money, while also being grateful for being published at all. Strangely enough, or perhaps not strangely enough, you sometimes hear this comment from other writers (as well as editors). I am grateful to those who publish my work, but I’m not above caring about the pay for my work. (Some writing–not just these website posts–I do for free, of course. But see my Musing of February, 2010, about what writers receive in exchange for “free content.”) I once got into an argument with an editor at an independent newspaper that had paid me a niggling sum (something like $234.50) for a feature article that required a good forty hours of reporting and researching and writing. It had seemed to me that the paper could have paid me a little more or at least rounded up that fifty cents. The editor was offended that I would complain about such pay, which, after all, was above minimum wage.
Over the past two or three years, during the recession that predatory, run-amok capitalists and their anti-regulatory enablers (mostly but not only Republicans) bestowed on us, I have tried to find a job that pays somewhat better than minimum wage. Almost all of the forty or fifty jobs I applied for were for teaching or writing positions at college and universities. I scored exactly one interview, and was offered a job teaching a ten-week online fiction writing course for the adult education branch of a west coast university. The pay would’ve been $1800, or, as I calculated it, given the many hours of off-line preparation and reading that the job would entail, not much more per hour than minimum wage. I decided not to take that job, thinking I could surely earn $1800 in some other way. So far, I’ve been wrong.
All these many paragraphs about my checkered employment history are here not to suggest I’m poor–I’m not, and I’m lucky I’m not–though you could draw the conclusion that writing is a profession you might want to avoid if you plan to make subsistence-level income. The paragraphs above are here, in part, to suggest something about the nature of economic power in America (workers have little) and as a prelude to the larger subject of this piece: the growing inequality in this country and the efforts by those on the extreme right wing (to name one, Scott Walker, the Republican/Tea Party governor of Wisconsin) to insure that those who might vote (or speak out) against inequality are stripped of any power they might have (through their unions, for instance) to alter the status quo. (The Tea Party legislation in Wisconsin that deprives state employees of bargaining rights also reduces their take-home pay by about eight percent. Which is a fair chunk of change if you make thirty or forty thousand dollars a year, as many state workers do.) As the late Tony Judt, who taught history at New York University, wrote in a brilliant little book called ILL FARES THE LAND, “Inequality is corrosive. It rots societies from within.”
Margaret Thatcher (Ronald Reagan’s ideological sister across the pond) did not believe in something called “society.” She famously said, “There is no such thing as society, there are only individuals and families.” There may be little logic to this–there is no such thing as a bee hive, there are only bees?–but her point was that government has no responsibility to its weakest citizens, that government should disappear and let the free market distribute and disburse in its supposedly scientific ways. The Tea Party version of this notion is: “Government is always the problem.” Unless of course the government in power is owned by the right wing, or unless the so-called free market needs to be bailed out by government.
During the past few weeks, I’ve spent a fair amount of time with other protesters in and around the Capitol building in Madison. The protesters have included school teachers, nurses, prison guards, off-duty policemen (who wear “Cops for Labor” shirts), off-duty firefighters, librarians, farmers (some of whom came to the huge March 12th rally with their tractors, many of whom carried placards that said “Farmers Know a Load of Crap,” at least one of whom pulled a wagon full of crap), university staff (among them, my wife, a non-unionized state employee), students, pharmacists (who carried “Pharmacists for Labor” placards), ministers, physicians, workers from state agencies, children, belly dancers (I saw one, anyway; her placard said: “Belly Dancers for Labor”), iron workers, Teamsters, a guy in an Uncle Sam suit on stilts, two jokers in banana suits (I didn’t get the joke), an elderly woman pushing a walker (”At least this walker is helpful”), and many thousands of other people who didn’t advertise (by way of placards) their affiliations (but many of whom may be presumed to work–or to have once worked–in the private sector). While I was standing with all these people, it seemed to me that I was in a society, that world that such political heirs of Reagan and Thatcher as the governor of Wisconsin would like to legislate out of existence (if doing it by fiat proves untenable).
I recently had a “discussion” on Facebook with a guy who owns a roofing company in Iowa. I had met him on several occasions, and he seemed perfectly pleasant. On Facebook, he turned out to be quite unpleasant. In his very brief opening comments, in response to a post about Scott Walker’s union-busting bill by a mild-mannered seventy-year-old retired nurse, he concluded by saying that the Wisconsin protesters had it good, so they should just stop complaining and shut up. (This may remind veterans of the sixties and seventies of a favorite right wing slogan: “America: Love It or Leave It.” There was then–and there is now, seemingly–no room for discussion.) As the so-called discussion went on, he became increasingly angry, saying that we liberals could all kiss his ass if we thought we were going to take his money from him. And so on. The most demoralizing aspect of all this was his rudeness and apparent belief that civility didn’t matter and that basically there was nothing to discuss anyway. He ended by telling me what I believed, after much careful probing of my mind.
It is a tactic of political extremists not to listen to the other side, to shout so loudly that nothing from the other side can be heard anyway. (The Tea Party often reminds me of the most extreme fringes of the left wing during the Vietnam War, people who would blame “the system” for everything in exactly the way the Tea Partiers blame “the government” for everything. A significant difference is that Tea Party politicians actually have political power. The left wing–its more moderate elements, chiefly–may have driven Lyndon Johnson out of office because of the war, but his replacement turned out to be Richard Nixon.) In fact, right wing extremists seem to consider it a sign of weakness to listen to the other side. After all, that’s the sort of thing you do in a society (and a democracy)–listen, talk to the other side, negotiate.
A Madison friend said to me the other day, “If only our governor would step out of his office and look at the people who are protesting, look at all those many different faces. . . ” But it seems pretty clear by now that in the case of the governor of Wisconsin, ideology trumps humanity. Scott Walker doesn’t seem to have even the humanity of a dark soul like Richard Nixon, who left the White House late one night in 1970, in the company of only his valet, to talk to Vietnam War protesters camped out at the Lincoln Memorial. (Some historians believe that Nixon didn’t really go to the Lincoln Memorial to listen to the other side, and according to some accounts, he didn’t even discuss the war with the protesters.)
But allow me to fantasize for a moment and imagine that Scott Walker would leave the Capitol building to mingle with protesters and that somehow he and I end up standing together, right across the street, on the steps of the Episcopal church, an old yellow limestone edifice whose newer wings include a soup kitchen. What would I say to him? How do you talk to somebody who has never had a doubt about his policies or the assumptions on which those policies rest?
Allyn Roberts, a Madison psychologist I know, once told me a story about a schizophrenic woman he treated for some years in a state mental health institution. (Does it complicate matters too much to add that the woman was a Catholic nun?) Allyn described his patient as quite smart and more than a little crafty, as well as someone with whom he’d made little progress. In 1960, the American Academy of Psychotherapists held its annual meeting in Madison, and Allyn invited several of these therapists, including Albert Ellis and Fritz Perls, to his workplace in order to have a go at talking with his patient. It turned out that the least successful approach was that of Albert Ellis, one of the founders of cognitive-behavioral therapy, who believed that you could nudge an irrational and disturbed person toward sanity by reasoning with her and exposing her irrationality. The woman had responded to Ellis by becoming ever more defensive, never giving an inch. When Allyn asked her if she had any interest in seeing Ellis again, she said no, though she also said that she had enjoyed sparring with him. The most successful approach was that of Carl Rogers, who believed that if you talked to the patient on her own terms, in a non-judgmental way, if you somehow suggested to her that you didn’t find her craziness crazy (at least by her own definition of that word), you could gradually lead her toward a less delusional and less defensive state of mind. Allyn’s patient told him that she might be willing to see Rogers again.
Like schizophrenics, extremist politicians are generally not open to appeals of reason. The only thing that seems to get their attention (besides losing an election) is if you agree with them. So, here is what I might say to Scott Walker:
“Yes, sure, Wisconsin will be a better place to live if, after teachers and other state workers have consented to taking home considerably smaller paychecks every week, we do away with their right (which many Republican members of the legislature stupidly assented to in 1959 and again in 1967) to negotiate wages and benefits and other incidental matters. All those people should just suck it up, because don’t all the non-union people in the private sector who have low-paying jobs (and no benefits) just suck it up, too? Wisconsin will surely be a better place to live if the state drastically reduces (as proposed in your budget) the funds it gives school districts, because this way we can also save some dollars by laying off teachers and zeroing-out wasteful school programs and maybe eventually even discourage kids from going to school and young people who make it to college from considering the teaching profession, because who wants to spend twenty years teaching only to find by the end of those twenty years that she’s making fifty thousand dollars (plus, of course, those excessive health care benefits)? And why should kids be educated anyway? Look at yourself–you dropped out of college and you’re the dang governor of Wisconsin! Anyway, if society doesn’t exist, why should we suppose we have any need to educate our children to be members of a non-existent society? And, you know, after eighth or ninth grade, they can go get jobs at McDonald’s and maybe find summer employment up in the Dells. (The wealthy few will be canceling their trips to Nantucket and spending their discretionary income at water parks like the Dells, right?) Yes, sure, Wisconsin will be a better place to live if we can reduce the arts budget by seventy-three percent and roll whatever funds are left for the arts into the Marketing sector of the Department of Tourism, because, well, who gives a shit about the arts except a handful of elitists who probably have college degrees and are probably sissies to boot? And, yes, Wisconsin (speaking of manure and all that) will be a better place to live if farmers will stop complaining that the only health insurance they can get is the last-ditch catastrophic insurance known as Badger Care, and, anyway, aren’t you going to cut whatever the state is currently, for some reason, contributing to Badger Care? Wisconsin will surely be a better place to live if we privatize everything that can be privatized, including maybe some of our nicer state parks and maybe some of our state universities, which are full of students and whiny liberal professors and state workers and a few highly ‘compensated’ but clearly deserving athletic department people whose pay we won’t dock, will we?”
But the governor of Wisconsin (in this fantasy) has already walked away. He has heard it all before.
Throwing Books
March 10th, 2011My daughter, Nora, who will be four in a couple of months, has been known to throw a book–out of a desire to push the envelope behavior-wise, out of exuberance, out of (who knows?) a scientific interest in the aeronautical properties of THE AMAZING BONE or TEN FINGERS, TEN TOES. Nora’s mother and I tell her that books are not to be thrown–balls and oven mitts and, if it comes to that, cats, may be thrown, but not books–and we try to be good role models in this matter. In the evening, books may drop from our hands onto the floor while we nod off, but we do not throw them.
A college professor of mine, the late Bertrand Goldgar, who taught British literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries at Lawrence University, once said that he’d thrown a certain book across the room because it had offended him. Bert was a droll man who took literature seriously, not only because it was his job to do so. I don’t remember what the book was that he threw, but it’s my guess that it was by a writer of the Romantic or anti-Augustan persuasion–maybe some revolutionary sentimentalist like Wordsworth. Bert was a literary conservative–wit and concision were his touchstones–but he was far from being a hidebound one. (In fact, he was full of surprises. To take one example: his favorite book, I recently learned from his daughter, was THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV, a novel that might be described as more baggy and romantic than concise and classical.) When Bert threw a book, he didn’t do it lightly.
I like to think that I can read pretty much any piece of literary fiction without getting worked up to the point that I throw the book across the room. In the case of a badly written book, I rarely get far enough into it to do anything other than lay it aside and feel buyer’s remorse (assuming I’ve actually paid for it). Anyway, badly written books don’t lead me to do violence to them. (This brings me to the subject of e-book readers: if you’ve paid two or three hundred dollars for one of those devices, you are probably not going to consider defenestrating the thing that “contains” the book that is driving you mad.) No, the books that get under one’s skin are almost always by our talented contemporaries, writers in their prime who have gone off the rails for the moment, whose admirers may have encouraged them to take themselves too seriously, whose charms (as exemplified in their previous books) have turned into tics or shticks. It’s harder to get really pissed off at dead writers, because, well, their work is finished (more or less: there is posthumous stuff TK) and they can’t cause much more trouble. Though I can imagine that there are readers, perhaps not only undergraduates, who have flung Hemingway or Faulkner or Mailer across the room. Only good writers, as I said, are likely to arouse that sort of passion in us.
I don’t buy badly written books on purpose, nor, for that matter, do I seek out books that might incite me to do what I ask my daughter not to do. I always open a book by a writer whom I know to be good (or whom reliable informants–reviewers, in some cases–assure me is good) in the belief that I am about to have several hours or days or perhaps weeks of pleasure. (I am a slow reader and will sometimes fall asleep over a book–even a good one–at an hour when some of my contemporaries are still awake and perhaps even doing the boogaloo.)
Last summer I read a wonderful novel by David Mitchell called BLACK SWAN GREEN, as good a book about adolescence as I’d read in a long time. (The narrator of Mitchell’s novel is a thirteen-year-old British boy growing up in Margaret Thatcher’s early-eighties England, though Thatcherism is the least of his problems.) I liked BLACK SWAN GREEN so much that for Christmas I asked for (and received) Mitchell’s new novel, THE THOUSAND AUTUMNS OF JACOB VAN ZOET. This book (479 long pages) is set in late eighteenth-century Japan, and concerns the lives of some Dutch shipping merchants on an island off Nagasaki. The book is exquisitely written; the language is rich and surprising, and the historical details aren’t so much inserted as invisibly threaded through, like wholly organic bits in some gorgeous tapestry. But the book is tedious, too. I had the sense that what I was reading was a brilliant writer’s performance, a show that kept me at a distance; the characters lacked the emotional complexity of the characters in BLACK SWAN GREEN. I didn’t feel the impulse to throw the book, however. If the novel was a failure, it was an ambitious failure, not an irritating one; it hadn’t gotten under my skin.
So I put THE THOUSAND AUTUMNS aside and picked up Keith Richards’ LIFE–candy, good, artisan-quality candy (a dark chocolate, say, flavored with a little sea salt and a touch of pharmaceutical-grade blow), just the sort of antidote for a case of aesthetic overload. Of course, the bar is lower when it comes to memoirs by celebrity rock-and-rollers, but still. Richards wrote, or dictated to a ghostwriter, a candid, smart book, mostly free of celebrity inanity.
After inhaling Richards, I read Virginia Woolf’s MRS. DALLOWAY. I first read this book thirty-five years ago, when I was a graduate student. I’m not quite sure why I decided to reread it, except that lately I’ve been rereading writers who gave me so much pleasure when I was young. And I had always loved the opening of the book, with Clarissa Dalloway going out into the London morning (”fresh as if issued to children on a beach”) to buy flowers. The opening pages are still beautiful. The rest of the novel seemed uneven, brilliant at times, dull at others, depending on which of the characters Woolf chose to focus (or not focus clearly enough) on.
There is some Virginia Woolf in Lorrie Moore, whose most recent book, A GATE AT THE STAIRS, I just finished. Like Woolf, Moore writes about the everyday world (the weather, flowers, a pet goldfish, the look of a city at dusk, a toddler in a snowsuit) with a poet’s intensity, though her observations tend to be somewhat darker than Woolf’s. Moore is basically a satirist in lyrical realist clothes, and with her satirist’s needle she both punctures conventional romantic habits of seeing things and tries to get us to see those things anew. (Bert Goldgar, my old professor–who, incidentally, considered Moore to be among our best contemporary writers–once said that he preferred a good painting of a sunset to an actual sunset. Art beats nature, in other words, though it’s a fact that some of the best paintings of sunsets are by romantics, which Bert no doubt knew.) The problems in Moore’s writing arise when all that withering wit gets between us and the people on the page. Cleverness doesn’t kill this novel, but at times it undermines it.
The opening passage of A GATE AT THE STAIRS–about, among other things, the presence and then disappearance of songbirds during the winter of 2001-02 in a cosmopolitan Wisconsin university town called Troy–is exemplary Moore. Her prose is sharp, vivid, cool, no more clever than is useful. Time is effortlessly compressed, and a certain mood, a kind of ironic dolor, is established. The birds–or their survivors–will reappear three hundred pages later, when the book is up to its ears in dolor.
Moore’s narrator is a college student named Tassie Keltjin, the daughter of an eccentric Wisconsin farmer and his equally eccentric wife. Tassie’s chief role in the novel is to serve as a part-time nanny for the adopted bi-racial daughter of a white Troy couple (she owns a high-end restaurant, he’s a scientist of some sort). Tassie is an extremely bright young woman, whose frames of reference and wisdom and relentless witticisms bring to mind certain attributes of her more experienced creator. If one is willing to overlook this “believability” (or authenticity) issue most of the time, it is because Moore gets deeply enough inside Tassie to show us aspects of her that wouldn’t distinguish her from her peers.
Moore is good with many of her younger characters, perhaps because, as she sees it, they haven’t become fixed; they are still in the process of making themselves, and there may even be hope for them, though the chances are good that the world (or the idiot grown-ups who run it) will fuck these children up. Moore is less good with–less sympathetic to–the so-called grown-ups in the novel. Tassie’s parents are likable in their oddball ways–not that likability is necessarily a quality indicating depth–but they don’t become significant characters until the end of the novel, by which time the novel has, as it were, changed subjects. (It’s no longer about Mary-Emma, the adopted child Tassie cares for, but about Tassie’s brother, who joins the Army after high school, with hardly a peep of an objection from any of his very smart family members.)
The two main adults in the novel, the couple who adopt Mary-Emma, amount to the sums of clever things they say and some pieces of information about their lines of work. Whatever inner lives Sarah and Edward might have once had seem to have been buried; they seem especially unsuited (money aside) to being the parents of an adopted child. We learn virtually nothing about their pasts–Tassie doesn’t seem all that interested–until two-thirds of the way through, when Moore drops a bomb. (The only justification for withholding this rather crucial piece of information–which even a semi-diligent adoption agency would’ve dug up, surely–is that our narrator doesn’t come upon it until late in the game. But this isn’t much of a defense. After all, the novel is written in the past tense, after Tassie has had some time to absorb events.) After Moore drops the bomb, the couple and the child disappear from the novel, though the jerk husband does make one final appearance (or crank phone call) at the end.
When Moore unloaded this information, I was tempted to toss the novel, but I was in my mother’s house and she was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her even though she probably wasn’t wearing her hearing aid and wouldn’t have noticed the sound of a paperback hitting the floor. And it is also true that while the timing of the delivery of the information seems like a trick, the information itself is harrowing, and Moore makes fine melodrama out of it.
There’d been other moments when I might have thrown the novel, such as the scene when a mohawked kid (a stereotype who makes no further appearances) drives into the picture in order to use the N-word to two-year-old Mary-Emma. The problem here is not that such a thing couldn’t happen in Moore’s Troy, whose many p.c. inhabitants Moore has much fun with, but that she doesn’t convince us that this incident happens as she describes it–it seems like stock footage.
I might have thrown the novel, too, during the second of the long (and mercilessly clever) discussions of race (and related matters) conducted by Mary-Emma’s parents and other adults, which Tassie supposedly overhears while tending to Mary-Emma and a handful of other children–but I’d already made my peace with the novel.
A GATE AT THE STAIRS doesn’t have the icy hard bright winter’s day clarity of the stories in Moore’s previous book, BIRDS OF AMERICA. It loses its way more than once. Perhaps the longer form threw Moore off stride, as it has other first-rate short story writers. A GATE AT THE STAIRS is a lesser work–confused and yet compelling–by one of our most talented writers.
Reader, this novel got under my skin, but I did not throw it. Nor did it slip from my hands as I lay in bed reading it.